Monday, July 9, 2012

      Today is my seventy-sixth birthday.  I got an e-mail from brother Richard, who reminded me that on my 25th birthday he asked me how it felt to be a quarter of a century old.  Being twenty-five sounded much younger than being a quarter of a century.  I didn't appreciate his comment much at the time.  Now it's just thrilling to say that you are more than three quarters of a century young.

       I can remember sitting on the steps at the house on Hurlburt Street and opening a present from my parent's friend, Frank Scherer - a spoon and fork with my initials - on my second or third birthday.   Don't remember what happened to them but with seven younger siblings they were probably passed along and were worn out.    When I was 13, I got a brand new Murray Bicycle that the parents bought at Western Auto.  Don't know what happened to that bike either.  Russ had a paper route and he may have used it for that or Judy may have ridden it to the playground at Webster School.  I can remember riding it over to the Doyles on Millman Street - We lived on Howett at the time - and I had a crush on Patrick Doyle.  Also on my 13th birthday, Ernie Scherer, who lived with us and was Frank's younger brother took me over to the Steak and Shake in East Peoria for Ice Cream and then a ride on the Red Arrow Speed Boat.  We had to walk down steps behind the Steak and Shake to the dock for the boat.  It was one of those beautiful wooden Chris Craft type boats and for a fee it took you on a short trip up and down the river. (When Ernie came home from WWII, he lived with us while he was going to Bradley).  Every once in awhile you will see one of those beautiful old boats on the river.  Just love those boats and how the wind felt against your face.

       For my 60th birthday, a group of friends had a surprise party for me in Bill and Phyllis Calliss' back yard.  And a little over ten years later, Vern and I went to my God Daughter, Peggy Moser's son, Nick's wedding in the early afternoon in Roanoke, Il and then later that same day we went to Brian and Angela Ludlom's wedding in Bill and Phyllis' front yard.  A string quartet played at the wedding and when it was over the group played Happy Birthday to me - which sounds good just played by strings.

       This year I awoke about 4:30 and turned on the television.  I had taped the movie, Oklahoma, during the night so the first song I heard this morning was Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.  What a way to start the day.  Phone calls, face book messages and e mails from family and friends including one slightly off kilter rendition of the birthday song by persons unknown!
       Angela drove down from Pec and we went to lunch at Biegnets on the Corner - really good brisket - and then home to watch my new favorite movie:  Marilyn Hotchkiss's Dancing and Charm School.
       Now it's evening and I'm enjoying quiet time.    By the way, the title of this blog is 75 and Holding.....On, now starts the holding on part.  I am so blessed and feel much love tonight.  Thanks!


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