Monday, March 11, 2013


     Our Catholic Faith has seven Sacraments - Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Marriage, Holy Orders, and the Sacrament of the Sick.   When I was growing up the Sacrament of the Sick was called Extreme Unction (extreme as in last and unction which means anointing).   If  the Priest was called to administer this last Sacrament, you knew the end was very near.  It  was not uncommon, for the sick person not to realize just how close they were to death until Father walked into the room.    Our Protestant friend, Bill, tells about being in the hospital and awakening and seeing our  former Pastor, Father Hughes, sitting in his hospital room and thinking:  "Just how sick am I?"   Bill didn't realize that Father visited parishioners in the hospital once a week
      Wisely, somewhere along the way, the Church decided to change this Sacrament so that it could be administered more often.  A former pastor at St. Patricks, Msgr. Swanner, would  offer the Sacrament one Sunday each year during Mass to anyone who felt a need to be blessed  and  pray for healing.  I see this Sacrament as a wonderful gift and have been anointed many times.  When I was about to have  my first PET scan after being diagnosed with Cancer, after daily Mass I asked the Pastor if he would give me the Sacrament of the Sick and he said yes, got the Holy Oils (every Catholic Church keeps them on hand) and anointed me, saying the prayers, making the Sign of the Cross on my forehead and the palms of my hands.  When I thanked him, Msgr. Watson said: "I love it when people ask me for the Sacraments!!" - He is a special, special person.
     Last Sunday was the annual  Anointing Mass at St. Thomas.  There were about one hundred people there and after the homily, Father asked us to come forward and he would anoint us.   I don't know what it is about this Sacrament but it is very moving for me  and especially so this week.  Father anointed my head, and hands and then with his hand he put my two hands together and held my hand in a minute positive grip and smiled.  (He did this to everyone who came before him)  I just choked up.  and through the rest of the Mass, when I stood to sing or join in the prayers, I couldn't, I was too ver klempt.  Especially at Communion, when we say together:  "Only say the Word and my Soul shall be healed."  Did you notice how many times in the Bible when someone asks for a healing, Jesus answers:  "Your sins are forgiven".  Sometimes He adds that they are healed but I have come to understand that when we know we are forgiven we ARE healed.

      I haven't had a chemo treatment since May, 2012.  I decided not to do that anymore.  I've been going to a chiropractor, Maximized Living, who espouses chiro treatments, exercise and changing your lifestyle.  Reading food labels, doing away with refined products and eating more fresh and natural foods.  I probably live this way 85% of the time, which is pretty good for me - sometimes I just have to have a McDonalds breakfast burrito and a cola - $2.21.    I feel good, I have been coughing a little more and the pleurisy on my left side can be challenging sometimes.  My PET scans every three months have all been the same as when I was getting chemo treatments, a small amount of cancer growth but not significant.

      In early January, I visited my eye doctor.  He asked about the cancer, I told him what I had been doing and he asked if I had ever tried essential oils.  Yes, I had heard about them but didn't know a lot.  He said he puts two drops of clove oil on the instep of each foot each day and feels it has given him more stamina in his legs.  He suggested I go visit a local pharmacy, where they carry the oils.  He had a book on oils and there was a 'recipe' for Lung cancer.  I wrote down the 'recipe', two of the oils used are the holiest of oils, frankincense and myrrh. 
      I haven't done the 'recipe' yet, thinking about it but I have been using clove oil on my instep and on the toes on my right foot.  When I fell last May, I injured the nerve that controls my toes so if it helps, why not?  Sounds crazy?  Might be!  But I am open to alternative treatments.  I can't believe that pumping your body full of poison - chemo -  is the only way to live with cancer.

     Tomorrow, I will have another PET scan, and will get the results the following week - it takes that long to get in the system.  I will keep you informed.

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